Sunday, September 4, 2022

ONE-THIRD of Malawi's population expected to be on brink of Extreme Hunger

 The Malawi IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Report from February, 2022, shows how 5.4 million of the 16.6 million Malawians will face moderate to severe hunger in the coming year. IPC stands for Integrated Phase Classification, and is an international scale that allows everyone to be on the same page when discussing and doing something related to hunger. 

Another 4.4 million Malawians are expected to face mild food insecurity, and under 7 million will suffer from mild to no food insecurity. Some 70% of the population in Malawi live under the international poverty line of $1.90 a day. 

With this being the reality on the ground, it is imperative we take the interest in our school-farm model and turn interest into reality for MANY more schools. We have a couple dozen schools looking for start-up money to purchase land, seed, and fertilizer so they may begin planting farms for the schools. Harvests keep children in school, and we look to ensure as many as 10,000 children have enough food every school day so they may remain in school! We want to make the photo below become a standard start of the year photo for many dozens of schools, where new crops are planted, maintained and harvested, all the way to meals on a child's plate!

HELP by making a DONATION! Every penny goes to the teachers on the ground in Malawi.