Sunday, January 23, 2022

ETHS Annual Fundraiser for Malawi has started

 If you are able to donate anything for the continued efforts in Malawi by Andrews Nchessie, to help maintain and harvest the annual crops that feed some 1500 students for the entire school year, please use our GoFundMe site. Even small donations add up, and are worth a great deal on the ground due to the strength of the dollar. THANK YOU!! 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Data and Information on Famines, Hunger since the 1860s

 The Our World in Data site, run out of Oxford University, is a wonderful source of data and visualizations for many of the world's issues. Included in this is a site with numerous data and information on global famines, some with information dating back to the 1860s. There is a separate set of data and information on undernourishment and hunger around the world, with staggering numbers such as 25% of the world's population are moderately to severely food insecure (9% severely food insecure).